Automate exam workflow
Integrate Digiexam into your LMS as an external tool to automate the exam creation, distribution and grade sync back to your LMS.
Building great exam workflows has never been easier.
Enhance workflow efficiency and the exam experience for all stakeholders.
Integrate Digiexam into your LMS as an external tool to automate the exam creation, distribution and grade sync back to your LMS.
Cover your most important and high-integrity exams with Digiexam alongside your course quizzes and assignments in your LMS.
Share results instantly. Improve collaboration between colleagues. Simplify the feedback flow between teachers and students.
The LTI integration automatically creates an account based on the role in the LMS and allows for Single Sign-On (SSO) to the Digiexam platform.
Bring your questions into our platform with easy content importing to the exam library. Supports QTI 1.2, Common Cartridge (IMSCC) and Content Package.
With one click from your LMS, administrators can schedule, run and grade exams seamlessly while students get authenticated, all in one go.
Once the exam is completed, updated grades are automatically sent back to the LMS grade book.
Let us show you how it works.
Read moreAcademic integrity can never be compromised.
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Read moreAs the University continues to pursue a remote assessment strategy for all courses, confidence in the systems we use to support exam integrity is vital.
Maggie Gibson Birmingham City University
Digiexam receives a lot of attention in the south of Germany since a lot of people share the belief that it will be the only product that will meet the regulatory and data privacy requirements for future online testing.
Dr. Martin Franzen Aalen University
A situation where the exam cannot be started, carried out, finished or where information is lost should never ever have to occur, and with Digiexam it hasn't.
Therese Fahlström Faculty of Law at Lund University