High Stakes Exams + Proctoring (On + off campus)

Our exam platform helps institutions within Higher Education to ensure exam integrity. Built with the highest security in mind with proprietary technology.
AI/In person
Uphold academic integrity
In one place
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Going from 0 - 20 000 online exams in 1 year, from purely on-site examination via fully remote and...
Read moreContent: 1. What results have you seen by using Digiexam?2. In their digital transformation, what...
Read moreTherese FahlströmAdministrator, Juridicum, Faculty of Law Lund University I am part of the...
Read moreThe University is keen on students being able to take their exams from home, and the associated flexibility this offers them. However, home-exams increase the difficulty of ensuring academic...
Read moreAs the University continues to pursue a remote assessment strategy for all courses, confidence in the systems we use to support exam integrity is vital.
Maggie Gibson Birmingham City University
Digiexam receives a lot of attention in the south of Germany since a lot of people share the belief that it will be the only product that will meet the regulatory and data privacy requirements for future online testing.
Dr. Martin Franzen Aalen University
The customer service that Digiexam delivers is great. Every time we need something the response is very quick, also we got really good support during the implementation process.
Dr. Amit Pundik Tel Aviv University