Source code is the technical blueprint that tells computer software how to function. When a program is released, it can either be closed source or open source. The choice is not always apparent as each option has its particularities with a mix of advantages and disadvantages.
This article will explain what closed source software and open source software are - what the difference is between them, their respective advantages and disadvantages, and finally, shed some light on why we, Digiexam, choose to walk the path of closed source in our student application to offer a secure lockdown during exams.
Open source software (OSS) refers to distributed applications with source code made freely available. They may be redistributed, copied, deleted, and modified by other users and organizations according to the restrictions set by the author. As a result, the code can be continuously updated, improved, and expanded as more people can contribute to it.
Open source software is closely related to Free Software where the user has the freedom to:
Examples of open source software include Firefox, OpenOffice, Gimp, Android, PHP, Perl, etc.
Closed source software (CSS) is the complete opposite of open source software. CSS uses proprietary and protected code which is closed to the public. Only the original creator or organization can access, copy, and modify the software. Users need to have a valid and authenticated license to use the software.
Examples of closed source software include Skype, Adobe Flash, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, WinRAR, Mac OS, etc.
Academic dishonesty - cheating - is one of the biggest challenges in the examination lifecycle. As costly pen and paper exams have become obsolete and inaccessible, new investments in examination technology are essential for institutions. However, many have experienced real frustrations with the new examination technology available, especially regarding security and reliability.
At Digiexam, we made a choice over a decade ago to focus on closed source technology to offer a platform with the highest possible security and reliability together with offering a scalable and accessible solution for exams. Because, our customers can’t have any hick-ups during their most important exams when there is a lot at stake and the tension is already high among students and test-takers.
What our closed source technology also provides and what we take great pride in, is that we have full ownership of the lockdown technology and are independent. This means that we have 100% liability towards the product and our customers, which results in great partnerships, where institutions can turn directly to us and have one counterpart for all matters related to the platform.
The closed source lockdown technology enables Digiexam to build a highly secure and reliable platform that works equally well in BYOD as managed environments. Furthermore customers can expect zero maintenance and no hidden costs in comparison to other technologies.
Our recommendation no matter what vendor or technology your institution chooses, make sure to check how the vendor will support you in different scenarios and what liability it has.
Sprung from higher education. Built out of Sweden. Over a decade of experience. Digiexam is an all-in-one examination platform - closed source of course - designed to safely and reliably power your whole examination lifecycle. Let’s compare the Digiexam platform and an open source lock-down exam browser: